SSUCHY’s outcomes have been highlighted in 6 recent web articles
SSUCHY’s outcomes have been highlighted in 6 recent articles. It is the occasion to take a closer look to what was achieved in the past 3 years and to address a warm thank you to all the people behind SSUCHY !
OpenAcces Government – Towards more Sustainable & Advanced Biobased Composites
SSUCHY’s article was the occasion to look back at the project context when it started in 2017, wrap-up its most recent outcomes and have a glimpse to what is expected by its closure in 2021.
Cordis – Promoting sustainable development with advanced bio-based composites.
SSUCHY had the pleasure to be highlighted on the official CORDIS website ! The “Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS)” mission is “to bring research results to professionals in the field to foster open science, create innovative products and services and stimulate growth across Europe.”
CORDIS is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation (FP1 to Horizon 2020).
SSUCHY’s recent results were highlighted in 6 languages which will greatly contribute to the broad circulation of the project’s outcomes.
FEMTO-ST – Projet européen de développement de composites biosourcés durables et à hautes performances
The FEMTO-ST Institute, coordinator of the project, wrote a comprehensive article [in French & English] recapitulating the last 3 years of the project. A very nice summary of SSUCHY, addressed to both scientific and industrial French composite materials communities.
The GOOD GOODS – Entre tradition et innovation, le lin et le chanvre fleurissent à nouveau en Europe – Le futur du passé
The GOOD GOODS article [in French] gives a very nice overview of French & European Flax & Hemp sector, with a focus on textile and industrial applications. SSUCHY warmly thank his fellow EU project FLOWER Interreg for promoting the natural fibre applications and pointing SSUCHY’s contribution as well.
CANAPA INDUSTRIALE – Un progetto europeo che mette la canapa al centro delle biotecnologie del futuro
The CANAPA INDUSTRIALE article [in Italian] describes how the biocomposite value chain is built at SSUCHY from raw materials of hemp and wood with initial technologies ranging from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2 to TRL5, with ambitions to develop some of its solutions up to TRL7.
RETEMA – Promover el desarrollo sostenible con compuestos de base biológica avanzados
The RETEMA article [in Spanish] explains the potential applications of sustainable bio-based compounds in the aerospace, acoustic and automotive sectors. SSUCHY’s four industrial demonstrators have shown how biobased compounds can replace their fossil-based counterparts in the industries named aboved.