PhD Thesis Defense of Marie Grégoire from ENIT

Congratulations to Marie Grégoire for having successfully defended her PhD Thesis in the frame of the SSUCHY Project.
She is the second PhD student to graduate in the frame of the project. The defence took place Friday the 15th of January 2021, in ENIT (Tarbes, France) as part of the SSUCHY project for the communication of the project. So far, Marie Grégoire’s work led to the publication of 3 peer-reviewed articles with first authorship and 4 oral presentations in international conferences.
Marie Grégoire is now open for a post doc position in a French lab, ideally in Occitanie or Nouvelle-Aquitaine, feel free to contact her!
More information about her:

Marie Grégoire at her PhD defense
TITLE: Extraction of hemp fibers for structural composites – Optimization of the mechanical potential of the fibers for applications concerning 100% biosourced composite materials
This PhD thesis is a part of the European SSUCHY Project (H2020-BBI) which aims to develop 100% bio-based composite materials, in terms of reinforcements and matrices.
The thesis work focuses on developing or adapting different hemp fibre extraction techniques in order to obtain a material suitable for use in load bearing composite materials. The first part of this thesis focuses on the use of an “all-fibre” device for the extraction of hemp fibres. This technique, initially used to obtain material for short fibre composite applications, is aggressive. Indeed, the results obtained show a significant decrease in the mechanical properties of the fibres compared to the initial material. Another device was thus tested in the second part of the thesis. It is a machine for extraction by scutching / hackling initially intended for flax. The results obtained at the laboratory showed the great potential of hemp fibres. The fibres obtained retain high mechanical properties and lengths. Fibre yields significantly higher than those currently obtained industrially have been achieved. The last part of the work focuses on the level of fineness obtained at the end of processing. This parameter is indeed important since it may have an impact on the mechanical properties of the composite materials manufactured afterwards. The treatment studied is microwave degumming. Various test parameters were investigated in order to know if the treatment really acts via microwave radiation or via the induced temperature.
Reporter – Mrs. Anne BERGERET – University Professor – IMT Mines Alès
Reporter – Mr. Alain BOURMAUD – HDR Research Engineer – IRDL
Examiner – Mr. Johnny BEAUGRAND – Research Director – INRAE
Examiner – Mr. Philippe EVON – Research Engineer – ENSIACET
Examiner – Mr. Vincent PLACET – HDR Research Engineer – FEMTO
Examiner – Mr. Damien SOUL AT – University Professor – ENSAIT
Thesis Director – Mr. Pierre OUAGNE – University Professor – ENIT
Thesis co-director – Mr. Emmanuel DE LUYCKER – University Professor – ENIT
Guest – Mr. Giorgio Rondi – Technologist Manager – LINIFICIO