CELEBio Celebration Day, Prague 2020 – SSUCHY invited to share its experience
SSUCHY Project Coordinator Vincent Placet was invited to give a speech during the recent Central Europe LEaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) Celebration Day organized by the Celebio Project. The hybrid event was held in Prague and remotely, on the last 14th of October 2020. It was the occasion for SSUCHY to share its experience as an example of bioeconomy related project applied to various industries in Europe
Highlighting Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European Countries
Celebio is a European BBI–JU funded project coordinated by the Ceitec (Brno, Czech Republic) and supporting the development of bioeconomy-related activities in central and eastern european countries namely Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
The event was about sharing recent findings of the biomass mobilization assessment realised on the course of the CELEBIO project, alongside further development of the Action Plan to support bioeconomy value-chains. It also included a “Companies Panel”, which displayed a variety of bioeconomy enterprises covering a spectrum value chains. The panel was composed by Maija Pohjakallio (Sulapac), Vincent Placent (Ssuchy), Diana Mendoza (Hemoalgae) and Dr. Sunil Chandran (Amyris), and moderated by Markus Dettenhofer (CEITEC), finishing with a panel discussion. SSUCHY’s presentation was entitled “Sustainable structural and multifunctional biocomposites from hybrid natural fibres and bio-based polymers” and focused on the description of SSUCHY project’s identity and objective, value chain and impacts.
Among the main messages the project shared, Hemp was highlighted to be a good candidate to expand purpose-grown biomass in the EU. SSUCHY’s demonstrators were also used to demonstrate the possibility of using bio-composite to replace their fossil-based counterparts in already existing industrial applications such as the high-performance green loudspeaker system from Wilson Benesch, the monocoque electric scooter frame by NPSP, the electric aircraft cockpit panel by EADCO and the load-bearing automotive trunk floor by Trèves.